Lypossage Body Contouring & Detoxification

What is Lypossage? Lypossage is a non-invasive specific blend of massage techniques that contour the body.  Lypossage was developed by Charles W. Wiltsie, III, who after a year study on 100 women using the Lypossage technique the average inch loss

Posted in Body Contouring, Detoxification, Diet, Exercise, Lypossage, Massage, Uncategorized, Well-Being

Myths/truths about chemical peels

myths/truths about chemical peels When patients hear the words “chemical peel” they have many different thoughts as to what the actual outcome will be. Due to a lot of misinformation readily available on the internet and in the general media, chemical

Posted in Detoxification, PCA Skin, Skin Care, Uncategorized

The new facial wash oily/problem

the new facial wash oily/problem PCA SKIN® Certified Professionals and their patients now have an even better formulation of Facial Wash Oily/Problem, tailored toward oily skin types. Facial Wash Oily/Problem from PCA SKIN The addition of gluconolactone is a valuable component that helps clear

Posted in Detoxification, Makeup, PCA Skin, Skin Care, Uncategorized, Well-Being

Why should you purchase your Skincare products from you Aesthetician?

In a day where skin care is one of the hottest topics around, how does a consumer choose a product line with confidence? The Department stores are one of the largest retail industries and are making a killing on cosmetics.

Posted in Detoxification, PCA Skin, Skin Care, Well-Being